Important Deadlines

April 16, 2024:

Setting up your PID

Upon offer acceptance, please establish your VT Username*.

You will need:

  • Your student number, which was included in your offer letter
  • Your major: Veterinary Medicine (NOT Veterinary Medical Science or Veterinary Science)

*Note: If you applied, were enrolled, or worked at Virginia Tech in recent years, your VT Username/email will remain the same and, therefore, you will not need to set up a new VT username.

After creating your VT Username, to begin the process of joining the student community, you will be added to the Class of 2028 Canvas site where you will have access to complete required tasks such as the information survey, safety trainings and more. 

Course registration

Your classes begin on Aug. 26 and the Office of Academic Affairs will register you for your classes, which are:

  • The Normal Animal (10 credits)
  • Becoming a Veterinary Professional I (2 credits)
  • Dealing with Threats (10 credits)

You will be able to view your academic calendar and course schedule when they are posted on the website in July. 

May 2024:

Information survey submission deadline

Last day to submit the Information Survey through Canvas is May 15, 2024.

June 30, 2024:

Transcript submission deadline

  • Your official updated transcripts must be received by the DVM Admissions Office by June 30. In accordance with admissions requirements, acceptance is conditional upon satisfactory completion of all required coursework by the end of the spring 2024 term. Please contact if you have any questions.


Immunization history submission: Please see Schiffert Health Center website for date and deadlines

August 2024: 

New Student Orientation Information

  • Aug. 19-22, 2024: Orientation Week -DRAFT SCHEDULE please note attendance is MANDATORY
  • Aug. 26, 2024: Classes begin

Please note: You must obtain your Hokie Passport and VMCVM ID badge prior to the start of classes. Click link below for further information.