Students with Disabilities
VMCVM embraces diversity and inclusion, including equal opportunity in education for individuals with disabilities and complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
VMCVM is committed to providing all accepted and current students opportunities to take full advantage of our educational, academic and community programs. We recognize that students with documented disabilities may need accommodations to fully participate and encourage students to disclose with Virginia Tech’s Services to Students with Disabilities (SSD).
SSD is responsible for ensuring that all qualified applicants and current students with disabilities receive the accommodations they need. They can also provide guidance on numerous accommodations, answer questions about using accommodations to meet the technical standards, and assist students with short-term medical illness or temporary disability (less than 6 months).
Students wanting to request accommodations, should contact Virginia Tech’s SSD office to confidentially discuss their accommodation needs. Students can begin the registration process and submit their documentation online on the SSD website. You must notify SSD that you are a VMCVM student. Once a student is registered with SSD, an accommodation recommendation will be generated. It is up to the student to provide their accommodations letter to the VMCVM Office of Academic Affairs; who are responsible for ensuring approved accommodations are implemented.
Given the clinical nature of our programs, time may be needed to create and implement the accommodations. Accommodations are never retroactive; therefore, timely requests are essential and encouraged.
We look forward to working with students seeking accommodations and we are eager to ensure that any approved accommodations are efficiently and effectively implemented such that all learners have full access to our facilities and curriculum. Students should not hesitate to reach out if they have any questions or need assistance completing this process.