Adopt a horse
The Animal Care for Education (ACE) animal instructors lead the students through their DVM curriculum, serving as patient educators as students practice their first handling, physical examination, and diagnostic teaching laboratories. These horses have been well loved and handled by DVM students, faculty, and staff, and are ready to come and enjoy retirement with you! If you are interested in learning more about or adopting any of our wonderful girls, please reach out to Dr. Virginia Edwards at
Meet Ria

Ria is easy to keep happy, she would be content even if she is the only pasture horse. She is a gentle sweetheart and loves to get attention from her person/people!
Meet Wendy

Wendy is super easy-going and does great with other horses. She will follow you around the field like a puppy dog and will talk to you as well! She loves to get attention and love, although she is also very patient.
Amber has found her forever home!

Even with one eye, Amber loves to walk around with you in the field. She is a quiet sweetheart and loves being handled by her people.
Pearl has found her forever home!

Pearl still has her spunky moments and has a lot of personality! She loves being pampered and having her mane braided.