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Cody Campbell

Hometown: South Hill, Virginia
  • Track: Food Animal


My name is Cody Campbell, and I am a food animal tracker in the class of 2027 here at VMCVM. I am originally from South Hill, Virginia and moved to Blacksburg in the fall of 2019 to pursue my undergraduate degrees in Dairy Science as well as Animal and Poultry sciences. I am specifically interested in bovine reproduction and plan to work for a large or mixed animal practice upon graduation. I love being a student at VMCVM for many different reasons. The main contributor to this is the feeling of family that we have here at VMCVM. Everyone comes from such different backgrounds, but the school works hard to make sure that everyone feels that they are seen and heard. One of the main ways that you can find your "family" at VMCVM is through clubs. There are many different clubs that allow you to pursue your interests and build relationships and connections with other students and mentors that have the same interests. In my case, I joined the Food Animal Practitioner's club shortly after arriving at VMCVM. I have made so many friends and gained so much experience through this club. Aside from the feeling of family and club opportunities, the people at this school are willing to work with you and want to make sure you have every chance possible at succeeding. Whether it be drop-in tutoring sessions for classes, career advice, or even home life issues, I have never once felt like this school wanted anything other than the best for me. If you would like to find out more about my experience at VMCVM or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at